2024-25 posted on 10:38 AM, October 14, 2024
 2023-24 posted on 10:25 AM, October 16, 2023
- "Practicing Curiosity" with Ian Howell. October 15, 2023
- "Your Best 16 Bars: Developing Successful Tools for Auditions" with Laura Josepher and David Sisco. November 12, 2023
- "All Things Vocal Health" with Lesley Childs, MD. December 10, 2023
- "The Mindfulness of Singing: Bringing Ancient Practices Together for a Breakthrough Experience!" with Denise Bernardini and Toni Crowder. January 14, 2024
- "Breath Management Strategies across Performance Genres" with Joan Melton. February 18, 2024
- "You Aren’t Your Voice Business" with Michelle Markwart Deveaux and Sara Campbell. March 10, 2024
- "Physical Therapy Interventions and the Performing Voice" with Walt Fritz, Abby Halpin and Gena Thurston. April 14, 2024
- "Mix and Match: Piecing Together the Puzzle of Mixed Register" with Chris Johnson and co-hosts Kari Ragan and Lynn Maxfield. May 19, 2024
 2022-23 posted on 3:45 PM, October 10, 2022
- "Together Forever: Efficacy and Efficiency in Group-Voice Teaching" with Clifton Ware and Amelia Rollings Bigler. October 9, 2022
- "Articulation = Physioacoustics" with Angelika Nair. November 13, 2022
- "A Look into the Future: Research in Laryngology and Voice" with Neel Bhatt, MD. December 11, 2022
- "Water Bubbles for the Voice" with Marco Guzman, PhD. February 5, 2023
- "Embodied Thought - Movement to Free the Voice" with Frank Ragsdale, Matthew Hoch, Elizabeth Blades, and Marieke Schuurs. February 19, 2023
- "A Balance in the Force: Producing, Perceiving, Measuring and Assessing Vibrato" with John Nix, Joshua Glasner, Yvonne Gonzales Redman, and Theodora Nestorova. March 19, 2023
- "Singing Voice Specialist: Controversies and Collaboration Part 2" with Peggy Baroody, Leda Scearce, and Marci Rosenberg. April 23, 2023
- "Learning about Latin American & Spanish Song (101)" with Juanita Ulloa, Adrianalía Moutz, and Omar Herrera Arizmendi. May 21, 2023
 2021-22 posted on 9:26 AM, October 11, 2021
- "Know Better, Do Better: What Vocal Instructors and Choir Directors Need to Know and Do to Be on the Same Page" with Lynne Gackle, Hilary Apfelstadt, Geoffrey Boers, John Nix, and Allen Henderson. October 10, 2021
- "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Voice Studio: Cultivating Brave Spaces" with Nathan De'Shon Myers, Lily Guerrero, and Albert Lee. November 14, 2021
- "Registration — The Snake Pit of Voice Pedagogy" with guests Jan Svec and Christian Herbst. Co-hosts: Kari Ragan and John Nix. December 12, 2021.
- "Contemporary Vocal Styles: Demystifying the Pedagogical Process Specifically for Pop/Rock" with Elizabeth Benson, Melissa Foster, and Justin John Moniz. January 16, 2022.
- "Voice Studio Shenanigans" with Shannon Coates and Nikki Loney. February 6, 2022.
- "Music Performance Anxiety (MPA): What Voice Teachers and Singers Need to Know" with Yvette Litchfield and Jon Skidmore. March 14, 2022.
- “Singing Voice Specialist: Controversies and Collaboration” with Peggy Baroody, Marci Rosenberg, and Leda Scearce. Co-hosted by The Voice Foundation. April 10, 2022.
- "Black American Music Voice Pedagogy: What Voice Teachers Should Know" with Alison Crocket and Trineice Robinson-Martin. May 15, 2022.
 2020-21 posted on 4:08 PM, September 17, 2021
- "A Conversation with the incomparable George Shirley, operatic tenor!" October 11, 2020.
- "Academic or Entrepreneur? How to Steer Your Teaching Career" with Claudia Friedlander, November 8, 2020.
- "Defining Evidence-Based Voice Pedagogy (EBVP): A New Framework" with Lynn Maxfield, Ken Bozeman, and Lynn Helding, December 13, 2020.
- "Singers and Self-Laryngeal Manipulation: What Singing Teachers Need to Know" with Nicholas Perna and Marci Daniels Rosenberg. January 10, 2021. Co-sponsored by The Voice Foundation; Co-host: Peggy Baroody
- "Singing in the Brain" with Heidi Moss and Indre Viskontas, February 21, 2021
- "Planning for and Managing Vocal Fatigue" with Mary Sandage and Aaron Johnson, March 14, 2021. Co-sponsored by The Voice Foundation. Co-host: Peggy Baroody
- "Legends in our Field: Ingo Titze and Kittie Verdolini Abbott," April 11, 2021
- "The Broad Spectrum of CCM: Style and Application" with Edrie Means Weekly, Jordyn Day Palmer, Kelly Garner, and Jaron M. LeGrair, May 16, 2021
 2019-20 posted on 5:49 PM, September 13, 2021
- Discovering your Niche Market with Cynthia Vaughn, Jerry Elsbernd, and Dana Lentini, October 13, 2019
- Motor Learning Part II: Focus? Locus? Hocus-pocus? with Lynn Helding and Lynn Maxfield, November 10, 2019, Sponsored by The Voice Foundation
- Keeping the Singer Singing with Adam Rubin, M.D. and Juliana Codino CCC-SLP, December 15, 2019, Sponsored by The Voice Foundation
- A conversation with 2019 Tony Award winner Santino Fontana, January 19, 2020
- Breath Management Strategies Across Performance Genres: Exploratory Studies in the UK and Australia with Joan Melton, February 16, 2020
- Cannabis and Singers with Aaron Ziegler and Jiries Meham-Atrash, March 8, 2020
- Teaching Lyric Diction Online during COVID-19 with Dawn Padula, Allen Henderson, and Cheri Montgomery, March 17, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Protecting Your Mental Health During COVID-19 with Dr. Duke Miles, LCSW, Dr. Annie Roepke, PhD, Dr. Susan Tesch, MS, LMFT., Allen Henderson, Karen Brunssen, March 22, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- The Collaborative Pianist During COVID-19 with Craig Terry, Rhonda Kline, Laurie Rogers, Nicholas Shaneyfelt, March 24, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Making a Professional Pivot During COVID-19 with Morgan James, Tamar Greene, Alex Fletcher, Joelle Harvey, Angela Young Smucker, Mikki Sodergren and Morris Robinson, March 26, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Protecting the Singer's Self-Identity During COVID-19 with Yvette Litchfield, Julio Rosario and Darrell Jordan, March 28, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Singing Through Change: Serving Women through Midlife, Menopause, and Beyond with Joanne Bozeman and Cate Frazier-Neely, April 19, 2020
- Tools for Self-Care to Manage Stress During COVID with Dr. Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk, April 25, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Creating a Safe Space with Tom Burke, May 3, 2020
- A Conversation: What Do Science and Data Say About the Near Term Future of Singing with Allen Henderson, Tim Sharp, Marty Monson, Catherine Dehoney, Donald Milton, Lucinda Halstead, Mollie Quinlan-Hayes, Tom Clareson, May 5, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Processing...Finding Our Way Forward with Allen Henderson, NATS Chat Moderator Kari Ragan and President Karen Brunssen, May 11, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
- Returning to Singing post COVID: What We Need to Know with Michael McElroy, David L. Young, Andrew Lee and Cate Frazier-Neely, August 12, 2020 (Special Edition NATS Chat)
 2018-19 posted on 5:50 PM, September 13, 2021
- “The Evolving Singing Voice: Changes Across the Lifespan” with guest Karen Brunssen. Oct. 7, 2018
Sponsored by The Voice Foundation
- Independent Studio Business: Part III ~ “Finding Them and Keeping Them: Studio Marketing and Student Retention" with Cynthia Vaughn, Kelli Barham, and Christin Coffee Rondeau, Nov. 11, 2018
- "Bel Canto Can Belto–Cross Training for the 21st Century Singer" with Mary Saunders Barton and Norman Spivey
- “Getting the Twang of it: Physiologic, Acoustic, and Perceptual Characteristics" with Kerrie Obert and Chadley Ballantyne, Jan. 13, 2019
- “Mindful Voice: How Cognitive Science Informs Voice Teaching” with Lynn Helding and Lynn Maxfield, Feb. 10, 2019
- “The Special Psychoacoustics of the Singing Voice” with Ian Howell, March 10, 2019
- "The more things change, the more they stay the same: some thoughts on (my) current pedagogic practice" with Scott McCoy, April 14, 2019
- "A Conversation with Christine Brewer," May 5, 2019
 2017-18 posted on 5:50 PM, September 13, 2021
- "Putting it Together: Bit by bit...Day by Day...Week by Week...Year by Year…" with guest Joan Lader, honorary Tony Award winner and renowned Broadway voice teacher. Oct. 8, 2017
- "Growing or Redefining Your Independent Voice Studio as a Small Business, Part 2" with guests Cynthia Vaughn, Michelle Markwart Deveaux, and Nate Plummer. Nov. 12, 2017
- "Transgender Voices: What Voice Teachers Need to Know" with guests Emerald Lessley, DMA; Sandy Hirsch, MS, CCC-SLP, and Liz Jackson Hearns, MM. Co-sponsored by The Voice Foundation. Dec. 10, 2017
- “Singing and Teaching Singing: A Holistic Approach to Classical Voice” with guest Janice Chapman. January 21, 2018
- “Care of the Professional Voice” with laryngologist Al Merati, MD, and Met Opera singer Michaela Martens, co-moderated by Margaret Baroody. Feb. 11, 2018
- "Teaching Very Young Singers" with guest Shannon Coates, March 11, 2018
- “The Hole in the Sky” with guest John Nix, April 8, 2018
- “The Broad Spectrum of CCM” with Melissa Cross, Trineice Robinson-Martin, and Mike Ruckles
 2016-17 posted on 5:51 PM, September 13, 2021
- "Performance Success: An Olympic Performance Psychologist Teaches Performing Artists How to Win" with guest Don Greene, Ph.D.- Oct. 9, 2016
- "The Business of Singing: The Importance of Entrepreneurship for Today's Artist” with guest Cindy Sadler - Nov. 13, 2016
- "The Aging Voice" with guests Dr. Michael Johns, laryngologist, and Peggy Baroody - Dec. 11, 2016
- "Kinesthetics to Training the Vocal Athlete" with guests Wendy LeBourgne and Marci Rosenberg - Jan. 15, 2017
- “How Much Science Do We Really Need to Know?" with guest Dr. Scott McCoy - Feb. 12, 2017. PowerPoint slides
- "Starting and Running Your Independent Voice Studio as a Small Business" with guest Cynthia Vaughn - March 19, 2017. Handouts: Starting and Growing Your Studio, Business Resources
- "Transitioning from Classical to CCM Vocal Styles" with guest Lisa Popeil - April 9, 2017. Handout: Lisa Popeil - Voiceworks®
- Student NATS -- SNATS Chat: "NOT Lost in Translation: Adapting Classical Technique to Musical Theatre Styles” with guest Lynn Helding - April 23, 2017
- "Teaching the Young (and Very Young) Performer" with guest Robert Edwin - May 21, 2017
 2015-16 posted on 5:52 PM, September 13, 2021
- Audition Recordings: Considerations for YAP and Academic Programs - Oct. 11, 2015
- Sheri Sanders - Rock the audition - Nov. 8, 2015 (Transcript not available)
- Young Artist Programs-DVD and CD applications: Progress or Punishment? With panelists Sheri Greenwald (Merola), Ann Baltz (OperaWorks) - Dec. 13, 2015 (Transcript not available)
- Ken Bozeman - The Vocal Acoustic Landscape: How to Solve the Challenges Singers Face Across Range - Jan. 10, 2016
- The Voice Team vs. the Vocal Injury: Who does what, when, where and why. A panel of Margaret (Peggy) Baroody, Sharon Radionoff and Karen Wicklund - Feb. 7, 2016
- A Conversation with Dolora Zajick co-sponsored with The Voice Foundation - March 13, 2016
- Hormones and the Voice: Dr. Jean Abitbol, co-sponsored by The Voice Foundation - April 10, 2016
- Dr. Scott McCoy and Inside View Press - May 15, 2016 (Transcript not available)
 2014-15 posted on 5:52 PM, September 13, 2021
- Scott McCoy and staff of the OSU Swank Voice Laboratory - Oct. 19, 2014 - Pedagogic topics, ranging from acoustics and anatomy to teaching methods and repertoire selection
- Robert Sataloff - Nov. 9, 2014 - Performing Arts Medicine and Care of the Professional Voice
- Matt Hoch - Dec. 14, 2014 - Reconciling Vocal Terminology in the 21st Century: The Challenges of Assembling A Dictionary for the Modern Singer
- Teachers Chat - Jan. 11, 2015 - The State of the Nation: aka "The State of NATS"
- Melissa Cross - Feb. 8, 2015 - Heavy Metal: Overtone NOT Overuse!
- Andrew Lippa - March 15, 2015 - How do you 'be yourself' when everyone's telling you what to do?
- Matt Edwards - April 12, 2015 - Creating Perfection: Audio Technology and the Singer
- Teachers Chat - May 10, 2015 - Teachers Chat with David Meyer, Julia Bentley, Edrie Meens Weekly and Allen Henderson
 2013-14 posted on 5:53 PM, September 13, 2021
 2012-13 posted on 5:53 PM, September 13, 2021
 2011-12 posted on 5:54 PM, September 13, 2021
 OTHER: posted on 5:48 PM, September 13, 2021