Research Surveys

NATS supports many types of voice research, and researchers seek to survey the profession in a variety of ways. NATS is pleased to offer members, students of members, and selected partners the opportunity to list links to various surveys being conducted by researchers. Please do not contact the NATS office regarding information on these surveys. Instead, contact the principal investigator provided with each listing.

Want to list your research survey here? All surveys posted here are also distributed one time via e-mail to NATS members as part of the weekly Intermezzo e-newsletter, which distributes on Tuesdays. For consideration and posting, please send a short survey title, a brief description of 150 words (or less), and a survey link to In your message, please include a close date for the survey.

Active Surveys

Use of falsetto/M2 phonation in building tenor, barytone and bass voices

This survey is part of Fulbright research project conducted both in Czech republic and USA. It aims to gather as much information as possible about the use of falsetto/M2 exercises in building tenor, barytone and bass voices in American voice studios. The research is specifically interested in mapping out the legacy of late Anthony Frisell, American pedagogue who was a loud proponent of falsetto training and of bringing this type of phonation to the very bottom of singer's range.

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Lukas Filippi
Fulbright Visiting Research Student
University of Texas at San Antonio

Effects of a Low-Dose Mindfulness Course in Student Singers

The University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology (ENT) is running a study to determine if mindfulness positively impacts student singers. If you are a student singer enrolled in a college or university program, you are welcome to join. Dates for the mindfulness course are Sundays and Mondays at 7 p.m. ET, September 8/9 - October 20/21, 2024. Students will need to attend 6 of the 7 classes.


Julia Gerhard, D.M.A., CCC-SLP

Seeking Broadway Singers To Share Their Experience Singing In Mix

Do you know a female who has performed on Broadway? We are seeking participants for a doctoral research investigation on "The experience of mixed voice singing by females in contemporary musical theatre on Broadway." Our focus lies in investigating how female singers in professional musical theatre produce and experience singing in their mix. Eligible participants must have one Broadway credit and self-identify as skilled in singing in a mix. The singers, not the researchers, will determine the definition of a mix. If you know individuals who meet these criteria, please share this survey.

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Greater representation of Broadway singers in academic research is needed to ensure that their experiences and contributions are properly documented and understood.

Regina McAllen
PhD candidate

Professional Singers with Long COVID: A Phenomenological Case Study

Jessica Staiano, a graduate music education student at the State University of Fredonia, is seeking qualified participants for an IRB-approved research project exploring the lived experiences of professional singers diagnosed with long COVID. If you are a professional singer and have been diagnosed with long COVID, please click on the link below to learn more about this opportunity. If interested, please complete the e-consent form provided as soon as possible. Participants will be recruited through May 2024. 

E-Consent Form

Please direct any questions to Jessica Staiano

Jessica Staiano
SUNY Fredonia
M.M. Music Education

Music Educator and Performer Views on Music Performance Anxiety

You are invited to participate in an anonymous survey exploring music educators’ and performers’ specific knowledge and perspectives of Music Performance Anxiety (MPA). The survey should take approximately 8-10 minutes. We are inviting all music performers and educators who are 18 years or older to participate. The Auburn University Institutional Review Board has approved this research beginning 03/27/2024, Protocol #24-789-EX2403. The first page of the survey contains the approved information letter. If you have questions about this research, you can contact the researchers, Ms. Yaxi Gao or Dr. Jane Kuehne or the Auburn University IRB or Chair. The deadline to participate is May 31.

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Yaxi Gao
Ph.D. Student in Music Education/Graduate Student
Department of Curriculum and Teaching
5040 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5212

Voice Teacher Impressions on the Value that Science and Science-Informed Pedagogy Bring to the Studio

This survey aims to gather perspectives from voice teachers regarding the challenges of understanding a science-informed pedagogy in their vocal instruction. The survey is expected to take approximately 5-7 minutes to complete. It consists of 29 questions covering demographics, professional development, and various components of voice science, including anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism, acoustics, and resonances. All responses will be anonymous and confidential, and the data collected will be used solely for research purposes.

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Ereni Sevasti Rosenthal
Ed.D.C.T student
Teachers College, Columbia University

Experience of Singing with POTS

Do you or a singer you know have a diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)? Please consider participating in an online survey about your diagnosis, symptoms, challenges in voice use, and strategies that you’ve found helpful in performance and educational settings!

This project is being conducted in full compliance with Shenandoah University Institutional Review Board policies and procedures, and if you choose to be involved, your participation would be fully anonymous, unless you choose otherwise.

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Please direct any questions to Marita Stryker.

MARITA STRYKER, MM, PAVA-RV, RYT200 | pronouns: she/her/hers
Voice and Movement Educator, NCVS-trained Vocologist
Assistant Professor of Music (Contemporary Voice and Musical Theatre), St. Olaf College
DMA Candidate Voice Pedagogy (Voice Science), Shenandoah Conservatory
Visiting Professor of Musical Theatre, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music

Considerations for Young Voice Users: A Survey of Knowledge of Voice Development, Fach, and Psychosocial Considerations in Adolescents for Singing Teachers, Music Educators, and Voice Specialized SLPS

Participants needed for a research survey! The Voice, Emotion, Cognition Lab is seeking choir directors, voice teachers, and voice therapists ages 18-90 who have completed at least a bachelor’s degree in voice performance, pedagogy, or music education for research surveying training and current knowledge of vocal development, fach/voice parts, and opinions about assigning fach. The survey should last approximately 15 minutes. There is no monetary compensation. The survey will remain open through May 4, 2024.

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Please contact the lab with any questions.

Elle Gilbert, B.M., B.A. (they/them/theirs)
Speech Language Pathology Program National Student Speech Language Hearing Association | Legislative Chair
The University of Memphis

Investigating Vocal Methods-Style Courses Designed for US Music Education Undergraduates

Objective: The objective of this study is to understand the course content currently taught to undergraduate music education majors in “Vocal Methods” (or content equivalent) courses.

Duration: We expect your participation to take about fifteen (15) minutes.

Methodology: Participants are invited to complete a brief survey detailing their experience with the research subject and professional background. Participants are invited to optionally upload a syllabus of their course.

Participant Eligibility: You must be 18 years or older when completing the survey, and currently teaching or have previously taught a “Vocal Methods” (or content equivalent) class designed for undergraduate music education majors at an institution of higher education in the United States.

Deadline for Participation: The deadline for participation is March 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET.

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Paul M. Patinka, Salve Regina University
Lisabeth Miller, University of Hartford

How Much Singing Should Be In a Voice Lesson?

I am conducting research for my doctoral vocology capstone project at the University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music. The purpose of the research is to look at the contents of voice lessons according to the motor learning classification framework. This survey specifically focuses on the amount of  student attempts or singing that occurs in a voice lesson. The survey does not ask for any personal information and will be confidential. There is one question on the survey and should not take more than one or two minutes of your time. Thank you for your time and consideration! 

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Michaela Kelly, DMA Candidate Vocal Arts
Thornton School of Music
University of Southern California

Survey of Knowledge, Practice and Application of Mindfulness Techniques Among Voice Practitioners

Calling all voice practitioners! Laryngologists, singing voice teachers, speaking voice coaches and voice therapists: please help us to understand how mindfulness practices are being utilized by voice practitioners. You can participate in the “Survey of Knowledge, Practice and Application of Mindfulness Techniques Among Voice Practitioners” conducted through the University of Miami Voice Center.

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Calling all Voice Physicians, Voice SLPs, and Voice Teachers

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is conducting an IRB-approved study on vocal hygiene recommendations among voice care professionals. You are eligible to participate if you are a physician or SLP specializing in voice, or a voice teacher/vocal coach. Participation is voluntary. If you agree, you will be asked to complete an anonymous survey with questions regarding professional perspectives and recommendations for vocal hygiene.  

The survey should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be confidential, and we will not collect identifying information such as your name, email address or IP address. The results of this study will be used for academic purposes only.  

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Dr. Emily Kimball
Assistant Professor
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Determining the Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID) for the Singing Voice Handicap Index-10 (SVHI-10)

Attention all singers of every level with or without voice complaints!! The UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center is conducting a research study on what it means to be a “healthy” singer using the Singing Voice Handicap Index-10 (SVHI-10) questionnaire. All you have to do is fill out the brief survey below to participate and a follow-up survey (automatically sent to you) 30 days after! Each survey should only take about 7 minutes to complete and will help us better understand the difference between normal and abnormal singing voices. Thank you very much for taking part in our study!

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Claire Perrin
Clinical Research Coordinator, Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
University of California, San Francisco
2233 Post St, 3rd Floor, Box 1225 | San Francisco, CA 94115
tel: 415.885.7728

Interpersonal relationships in the 1:1 voice lesson setting 

I am a part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers examining the nature of interpersonal relationships within the context of in-person private studio voice lessons. 

I would appreciate anyone who has had private singing voice lessons and would like to share their experiences to complete the survey. Please consider sharing this link with students and/or colleagues. We are hoping for as many respondents as possible, and all data is completely anonymized. 

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Dr. Elizabeth Ann Benson
Associate Professor of Music Theatre, Department of Theatre and Dance, Auburn University

Physical Touch in the Voice Studio - A Survey of Singers

The purpose of this study is to gather data on physical touch in the voice studio, both consensual and non-consensual, and to discover how a voice teacher may or may not use or have used physical touch with a singer in a private voice lesson. The study aims to investigate and understand how physical touch is being used within voice lessons from the perspective of the voice student and their experience in a private voice lesson with their voice teacher. 


  1. Participants must have taken a private voice lesson at any point in their lifetime. Both professional and nonprofessional singers, students, and young professionals, 18 years or older, are invited to participate
  2. No compensation will be provided to participants.

This survey is anonymous and your name or the names of others will not be asked for nor gathered by these survey metrics. Any answer with identifying information will be deleted. If you would like to receive follow up information on the survey results you may follow a separate link at the end of the survey. The link will allow you to add your email address to a listserv for follow up news on the data that is found from these results. 

This survey should take no longer than 15 minutes and is approximately 20 questions. You do not have to answer every question and may choose to skip any question you do not wish to answer.  

As a content warning, please note that some of these questions pertain to consensual and non consensual physical touch, and sexual assault.

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This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Southern California Institutional Review Board. 


If you have any questions about this study, please contact Maria Maxfield or Beatriz Ilari.


If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the University of Southern California Institutional Review Board at (323) 442-0114 or email

Maria Maxfield (formerly Lindsey)
DMA Candidate Vocal Arts
Thornton School of Music
University of Southern California

Changing the current model of the classical vocal degree program

Dear Colleague,   

My name is Craig Allen; I am currently pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance at the University of South Carolina. I invite you and one or more of your students to join me for my dissertation study.   

I am researching how to change the current model of the classical vocal degree program to better prepare our students for evolving performance expectations. In many current voice programs, students are expected to add additional languages, repertoire, and multiple singing techniques within the classical canon in each subsequent semester of studio study. As the demands on our 21st century artist is quite different than in the past, vocal pedagogues are adjusting what we teach our students to prepare them for performing challenges ahead. I hypothesize that adding a commercial piece (CM) to their degree plan and addressing the complexities that style requires is paramount to their adaptability in an ever-changing performance world. I propose this addition of CM repertoire take place during the second semester of their sophomore year, so they receive this unique training early in their singing career. Training our artists to be versatile is crucial, as singers are no longer afforded a narrow scope of being trained in one style with the assurance of a profitable career.   

How can you assist with this important study?  

I am looking for students of vocal pedagogues who are willing to do a brief survey at the beginning and the end of the semester that have not studied a CM piece previously at college. Included in this study is the ability to assess the possible benefits of studying this literature in the student’s voice; future performance goals as well as the analyzation of psychological benefits for the student singer would also be evaluated. If you have experience in teaching CM, I welcome your input and experience. However, if you are new to this area of musical study, I would also provide warmups, exercises, and literature in the style to help guide you and the student, thus assisting you both in this exciting venture.   

Please let me know if you would be willing to assist me on this journey next semester. If you have a second or third-year classical degree seeking student who would be interested in including CM repertoire in their vocal studies, please fill out this form.

Contact form

Craig Allen, MM, BM, BA
DMA Candidate at University of South Carolina
Winthrop University
Adjunct Instructor of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Determining a Normative Value for the Singing Voice Handicap Index-10 (SVHI-10)

The UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center is conducting a new research study titled: Determining a Normative Value for the Singing Voice Handicap Index-10 (SVHI-10). We are currently looking for adult singers to fill out a brief demographic’s questionnaire followed by the SVHI-10 survey to help better identify what it means to be a healthy singer. This will help us when evaluating the difference between normal and abnormal singing voices. The overall survey should take approximately 7 minutes, and it would mean a lot for our research team if you could participate! Please click the link below if you are interested. Thank you in advance for your support of our study.

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The UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center Research Team: 

Vyvy Young, MD
Sarah Schneider, MS CCC-SLP
Clark Rosen, MD
Grant Gochman, MS Clinical Research Coordinator

Singing Outside SATB: Teaching Countertenors in the Choral Classroom

The purpose of this research is to examine the perspectives and experiences of high school choral directors teaching students that sing outside of their traditional SATB voice classification. This research is being conducted online. We are inviting all those who identify as a high school choral director in the United States. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this study. If you agree to be in this research, you will complete an online survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The University of Oklahoma Institutional Review Board has approved this research. The first page of the survey serves as your informed consent. The deadline to participate is April 15.

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Your participation in this research is completely voluntary; you may choose to withdraw at any time. If you have any questions pertaining to this research project, you may contact either Melissa Baughman (405-325-2081) or the OU-NC IRB (405- 325-8110) at any time. 

Thank you in advance for your assistance! 

Sincerely, Dr. Melissa Baughman
Assistant Professor of Vocal Music Education
University of Oklahoma

Voice Building in Collegiate Studios

If you are a current collegiate applied-voice instructor, or a recently retired collegiate instructor (within 5 years), who resides in the United States, you qualify to participate in a research study examining the voice-building practices taking place within the collegiate voice studio. Eligible subjects will undergo a short survey consisting of demographic information and short answer questions. There is no compensation for participation in this survey.

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Kristen Janell Sullivan
M.M., D.M.A.
Ph.D Music - Performing Arts Health, Candidate

The Effect of Chemotherapy Treatment for Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer on the Singing Voice

  • Have you had ABVD Chemotherapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma?
  • Would you be willing to fill out a confidential questionnaire on the effects of chemotherapy on your voice?
  • The questionnaire will take no longer than 25 minutes.
  • The goal of the study is to provide information to singers and voice teachers about the effects of ABVD Chemotherapy voice regimen on the singing voice.
  • Confidential responses will be used as data in a research study conducted by Shantelle Przybylo at the University of Toronto.

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Shantelle Przybylo
University of Toronto
MMus, BMus
DMA Candidate

Perceived voice changes among young adults who vape

The Laryngology Division in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis and the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the University of Memphis is conducting a survey study titled: Perceived voice changes among young adults who vape.

The purpose of this study is to understand if there are perceived changes in voice quality and function among young adults that vape or juul. Your participation in this research study is invaluable and voluntary. Responses will be kept confidential and the surveys will not contain information that will personally identify you. The results of this study will be used for academic purposes only.

If you have any questions about the research study, please contact Sandra Stinnett, MD. This research has been reviewed according to University of Tennessee Health Science Center IRB procedures for research involving human subjects.

Thank you very much for your time and support.

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Drew Smith, MD, MS
PGY-1 Resident Physician
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Diversifying Art Song

The past two years have brought many changes to our artform; for many, the past two years have continued to highlight the imbalanced inclusion of artists from underrepresented groups in classical music. The purpose of this survey is to better understand individual experiences with performing works by composers from underrepresented groups, and the differences in familiarity between the varying levels of vocal performance.

This survey on diversity in the study and performance of art song is being conducted by the Kassia Database and in affiliation with the Institute for Composer Diversity Art Song Works Database. This survey is completely anonymous and should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Eligible participants must be at least 18 years of age. All levels of study and performance are welcome to participate. Participants who have not been introduced to works by underrepresented groups are encouraged to participate.

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Logan Contreras, DMA
Lecturer, Colorado State University Pueblo
Founder, Kassia Database
Co-Coordinator, Institute for Composer Diversity

Voice Teaching for the 21st Century

Dear Singers, Teachers, and Pedagogues,

We invite you to fill out a brief survey to help us understand more fully the current teaching for aspiring voice teachers in university programs. Below is a brief (5 minute) survey that we'd love you to participate in. The survey is divided between those with less than 5 years of teaching experience and those with more than 5 years of experience. Please share with students and colleagues as well!

We hope these efforts will help us to better understand the context and teachings of 21st Century Voice Pedagogy! Thank you!

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AATS - American Academy of Teachers of Singing
Committee of Mary Saunders, Jeanne Goffi-Fynn, Jeanie LoVetri, Chris Arneson, and Darlene Wiley.